Try and try again...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

There are so many great wines found around the world, every country produces something great from the grape and you definitely need to experience them all.

To be truly involved in the wine world, you need to experience Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary...the list never ends.  But, for those of you starting out and trying to get a handle on things, there is a weatlh of tremendous wines in the United States.  We are all on the same learning curve, moving forward, and attaining knowledge through trial and error.  What this means is that you must go back...go back to those wines and wineries you may have not liked or have forgotten about and check out what might be new.  Everyone and everything evolves...we all change the manner in which we do things and how we learn.  We discover more about the Earth, the climate, and the production, which advances wineries.  The more we are open to revisiting, the more amazing wines we will uncover.