Not so scary....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

There are a lot of things about wine that scare most people: how to open the bottle, how to read the label, and how to decipher a wine list. 

But with all of the websites and radio shows, we have become a little more familiar with the grape, or at least not afraid to ask questions.   Halloween is approaching, which makes us face our fears...and my two biggest fears are

1)  When you ask the server to see the wine list at your new favorite restaurant and he or she replies, "We have chardonnay, white zin and mer-lot"

2)  When you walk into a wine dinner and they tell you,  "Sorry you just missed the champagne flight, we started a few minutes early."

Our guests this week address my fear of technology.  They both have some really great concepts that I believe will help wine drinkers and lovers alike. 


Sunday, October 24, 2010

I always enjoy our guests on the Wine Crush, but this week was great for one reason- breaking stereotypes.

No, I did not pay Rajat to say 'drink what you like,' but this week we did get a chance to destroy a stereotype.  I truly believe that you should drink what you like and not what you are told.  I preach, preach and preach this because this is what it all comes down to.  Whether it is a magazine, sommelier, or a wine educator gives you a suggestion, if you do not like it, do not drink it.   Everybody has this vision of what a sommelier looks like-white skin, pointy nose, very starched shirt, pens on his jacket, the waiter wrap over his arm, and snooty....  but this is in our head, they are not what we envision.  We got rid of this steroetype years ago.  Some of the descriptive words our guests used this week are humility, service, value, and passion.   Passion is my favorite because no matter what "level" you are drinking at, you will always have that moment when you are looking at a wine list and you need clarity.  That is when you need the sommelier to come over and help guide you...and the good ones always do.

We all find value in our wine one way or another.

Whether it is taking a wine you have had in your cellar  to a pawn shop, enjoying the company you are drinking with, or discovering a great wine shop or winery, we all put our money where are mouths are.  It is important to remember while investing in the ways we choose, that we embrace change.  As we say goodbye to summer, put up our white pants and straw hats, ultimately it is about looking at wine in a different manner.  We should try to focus on fall wines and appreciate what the holiday wine season has in store for us.  I want to know how you are approaching the upcoming me at [email protected]