Whether it is in the ratings, in your shopping cart, or on the local mega mart's shelf, there is always some kind of angle when it comes to buying and selling wine.

As Americans, we are highly competitive.  Yes, we all like to say that we whish well for our neighbors and that we want the best for others, but let's face facts...we are all capitalists, we like to go after it, and we want to win. 

One exception... wine contests.  We have highlighted a few on the show, and these are a win win for everybody.  Something I would like to point out, whether we are talking about the Biltmore or Build a Better Burger contests, there is no purchased required to enter.  The legalities aside, I think it is  a great that they are looking at brining you something besides the bottle.  They are making you think about the brand, the background.

So often, what we end up doing is walking down the aisle at the mega mart and just looking at the label, vitner, or year and saying "okay, I will buy it on that."  It is contests like these that make you truly investigate what is behind the wine and the stories that come with each bottle.  This is what I think is key if you are going to learn about wine. 

Vacation for the Wine Lover

Thursday, June 10, 2010

As we all begin to contemplate our summer bacations, I want to put a small bug in your ear

about what to expect as you travel around as a wine lover and experience different things in great restaurants.   For those traveling to to tourist destination, please do not have your heart set on one brand of wine or varietal...you may have your heart crushed.  For those wanting to consume some wine on your vacation, I have two pieces of advice...

1)   If you are not able to live without a certain wine, pack it in your bag or have it shipped to you.  This way you know that you will not have to do without.

2)   More imporanty, before you travel, do some research.  Check out the area you are visiting and search for wine friendly places.  There is nothing worse than being thirsty and walking around a desert of commercial enterprises that offers nothing you enjoy. 

So, as you prepare for vacation, make sure you prepare at least a week in advance to ensure you will have those things you enjoy readily available on your trip.