Things can get hectic in this industry.  It does not matter if you are on your first bottle of wine or your 100,000 bottle,

you have to realize that so much goes into the production of that wine and what goes on behind it affect so many different levels of society.  Whether you are buying it at your local mega mart, worrying about whether the production is green, if a moth is going to disappear or come back, concerned about the people who are taking care of the winery, or whether the government will let you ship wine and telling you what you can and can not drink.....something like this will come up each day and impact our lives.  Whichever one of these begins to frazzle you, there is always an aspect to wine that you can take.  People who say they do not drink wine because it does not affect their daily life- think of the "Kevin Bacon/ Six Degrees of Separation"....someway, somehow, there is a little bit of wine that affects all of us and the best way to get through it is to drink more of it.

Restaurant Wine Selections

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I just read a survey where 2,000 people were questioned about their wine views and 84% felt that are being ripped off with wine selections in restaurants.

 Well, I have one finger to point ..... and that finger is pointed at you.  Ulitimately we are living in the time of the perfect storm of great wine drinking and wine value.  Everybody has an excess of juice and grapes- most wineries have wine that they need to get out of the door before the vintages change.  What does this mean for the consumer?

All the wine that we have enjoyed that run from $30-$60, you can now find them for almost half the price.  So if you have this great value and are presented this wonderful opportunity, why did 84% of those polled believe they are being ripped off at restaurants?  Study, listen and learn a little about wine.  There has never been a better time to do it and it has never been easier to learn.  Whether it is this wine show, a book, or all the wonderful websites a little research.  Make this the time to learn about wine so the next time you go to a restaurant you can realize what great values the restaurant and industry is giving