Here are three things you can search for on your wine label.

1.     Varietal- Chardonnay, Cabernet, Merlot, etc.  When it says this, the bottle has to be 75% of that varietal.

2.     Where the wine has specifically has come from- Washington State, California, or even more specifically, Russian River...When you find something you really like, stay within that region and try some other varietals. 

3.      Look on the back to see the what is included...figs, blackberries, etc.



Mix and Match- Movies and Wines

Saturday, February 21, 2009

With the Oscars this weekend...I thought I would match some movies to wines... Here are some of my favorite movies to rent and I have paired them with some wines.

Romantic Comedy

50 First Dates-  Rose


Steel Magnolias- Grab a great Chardonnay

Girl Movie

Sex in the City- Champagne of course!

Horror Movie

Halloween- Zinfandel


Gone With the Wind- Pinot Gris



A Few Fun Facts For You

Thursday, February 12, 2009

1 ton of grapes= 62 cases of wine or 744 bottles


Chardonnay averages about $2600 per ton and there is $3.50 worth of grapes
in a bottle...about .70Cents in your glass.

Cabernet averages about $3,703 a ton and there is $4.98 in a bottle...about
$1 in your glass.

Pinot Noir averages about $2,137 per ton and there is $2.88 in a
bottle...about .58Cents in your glass.

The Chardonnay I drink is $6,080 per ton and there is $8.18 worth of grapes
in that bottle....about $1.64 in a glass...but you know me, I don't go by
the glass!!!!

Ways to Spice Up Your Love Life

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Here are a few crafty ways to add a little spice to your life...literally.

Caraway: Keeps lovers from wandering off

Truffles: 1 part truffle, 2 part champagne "makes women more tender and men more amiable"

Parsley: Increases desire and energy

Saffrow: Gives you sexual stamina

Vanilla in Tequilia: Helps you remain "fit for the job"

Ginger: Nature's Viagra; Best when fresh and grated

Nutmeg: Grate it in a wine or hold one under your armpit