We often talk aout wine blogs, recommendations, and other websites, but the wine critic seems to be in a seperate category.  What exactly is a wine critic's role?

Is it to tell you what to drink?  What NOT to drink? How to drink? What is swill?  What should stay on the shelf? This is something we need to step back and truly investigate.  As times continue to change; and twitter, facebook, and other online media services become more readily available, we find thousands of people who will tell us what to drink.  But there is a missing component from this, somebody that speaks your own language. 

The new wine critic will be able to define a style for you.  How the wine can make your life better.  What the wine will do for you, your dinner table, and your guests.  As we move further into the digital age, that is what a 'wine critic' should be advising you...how your day will be better when you open up  a certain bottle.